BISM strives to create quality employment opportunities for blind and low vision individuals, while providing the State of Maryland with high quality products.
Through purchases of goods, BISM can fund the continuation and expansion of vocational training to blind and low vision individuals allowing them to achieve independence.
As a preferred provider, under Maryland State Finance & Procurement Article Sections 14-101 through 14-108, BISM relies on the support from State Agencies and State-aided or controlled entities to purchase our products so we can continue to provide these invaluable services to our blind community.
At BISM we manufacture, remanufacture, and/or assemble over 700 products, including Paper Pads, Cleaning Chemicals, Jan-San Products, Towels & Tissues, Ware washing products, Batteries, and Personal Care kits.
With every quality product you purchase from BISM, you positively impact the lives of blind and low vision Maryland citizens! Your support allows BISM to provide career opportunities in all aspects of our organization, plus provide training opportunities free of charge for blind Marylanders of all ages.