BISM Logo, blue and gold compass icon with modern styled letters reading BISM Empowering the Blind Community, employing, educating, training.


Together we are positively changing attitudes about blindness.

Since 1908, Blind Industries & Service of Maryland, a 501 c3 nonprofit organization has empowered the blind and low-vision community by providing high-quality independence training, employment opportunities, and manufactured products for government, military, and private entities.

BISM opened its doors in 1908 with a small manufacturing facility in Baltimore City, employing blind individuals who made mops.  Today, we are the largest employer of blind and low vision individuals in the State.  We manufacture US-made military jackets, office supplies, and janitorial supplies as well as provide independent living skills to blind individuals of all ages and stages of vision loss.

Instructor working with a student in one of our ITR kitchens. Student is learning to bake nonvisual.

Independence Training & Rehabilitation

BISM offers programs for every age group that teach the skills of independence, build self-confidence, and prepare blind people for everyday challenges at home, school, work, or community. Our Independence Training and Rehabilitation Department is accredited by the Maryland State Department of Education’s Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) and aims to provide students with the ability to navigate the world independently. Additionally, our programs, services, and support groups are free for blind and low-vision Marylanders of all ages.

State and Federal Products

BISM is a diverse manufacturing company that produces over 700 products, including paper towels and toilet paper, janitorial supplies, paper pads, copy paper, and locksets. BISM is a preferred provider for the State of Maryland.

BSC Associate scanning merchandise on the shelf to see inventory

Base Supply Centers

BISM operates 8 Base Supply Centers operating under the AbilityOne program, which helps blind and disabled employees nationwide find jobs. The AbilityOne program also partners with nonprofits to provide AbilityOne products made by people who are blind to the federal government.

BISM is dedicated to providing career and training resources to Blind and Low-vision individuals of all ages. We positively change people’s attitudes about blindness.


A BISM blog sharing stories of resilience, advocacy, and inclusion from the blind community.

The Faces of BISM

Get to know us! Join us in celebrating and learning about the many faces of BISM.