BISM Logo, blue and gold compass icon with modern styled letters reading BISM Empowering the Blind Community, employing, educating, training.


Many adults who are blind face significant challenges in achieving independence, securing employment, and pursuing education. 

BISM provides a residential program designed for adults aged 18-55 called CORE (Comprehensive Orientation Rehabilitation and Empowerment.)  BISM’s CORE program specializes in teaching blind adults the essential skills of blindness through personalized instruction, empowering them to gain self-confidence and autonomy. 

CORE Program Overview

Instruction is tailored to the individual needs and readiness of each student:

  • Designed for adults aged 18-55
  • Typically completed in 8-12 months
  • Residential apartment living
  • FREE for all students sponsored by their state vocational rehabilitation agency

Our program, typically spanning 8-12 months, offers a comprehensive curriculum where students apply the skills they learn in the classroom to real-life settings in their apartments, taking full responsibility for their daily lives.  The program aims to equip students with the ability to become employed, pursue post-secondary education, and regain control of their lives.  Upon completion, students transition seamlessly into our workforce development initiatives, receiving job readiness training to prepare for successful and fulfilling careers. 

Instructional Focus

Through a complement of diverse and enriching classes, the CORE program empowers blind students to overcome challenges and build a foundation for a confident, independent future. Classes include the four crucial areas of Braille, Technology, Home Management, and Travel. The CORE program then adds two additional classes:

Man sitting at bench in woodshop using tools to join wood pieces.


A unique class designed to build self-confidence by teaching students to use tools found in a typical woodshop non-visually with a focus on problem-solving skills and design. 

Seniors in Western Maryland getting to gether to do an arts and crafts project for the holidays.

Weekly Seminar

A weekly discussion with staff to break down myths and misunderstandings about blindness and develop a positive attitude towards blindness.

Our team of instructors, many of whom are blind themselves, are highly trained and experienced in teaching nonvisual techniques and strategies.  Understanding that each student has their own journey and pace for learning new skills, our instructors meet individuals at their level of readiness and encourage growth every step of the way.  

Blind Students traveling the hall using a white cane.
BISM Instructor cooking

Are you ready to get started?

This program is FREE for all Maryland students if sponsored by their state vocational rehabilitation agency. BISM can assist you with the application process for your state agency’s rehabilitation program.  We encourage you to schedule a tour so you can learn about our program directly from current students and staff. The CORE program can accommodate 12 students at a time, with new students accepted on an ongoing basis.

For additional information, contact Matt Yannuzzi, Manager of Independence Training and Rehabilitation at (410) 737-2600 or

BISM is dedicated to providing career and training resources to Blind and Low-vision individuals of all ages. We positively change people’s attitudes about blindness.

The Faces of BISM

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